5 years ago a weeping, bleeding sensitive sore developed on my nose, which did not heal or go away. I went to a specialist dermatologist who said nothing to worry about. A month later when it was still there he reviewed it again and said sorry he had been wrong, it was a squamous cell carcinoma, the second most aggressive cancer behind melanoma. Being 5mm round and deep, normal surgery involves cutting the 5mm cancer out, PLUS a 5mm radius around and 5mm extra depth to ensure a safe margin to clear cells.. so a 15mm diameter and 10mm deep. That is half my nose! My wife should not have to look at that for the rest of her life :( Another - dearer but worth it - option was to go private and have them take the 5mm cancer, plus a 1mm margin.. then wait whilst they test tissue samples and if all are clear then close the wound up. If not, take another 1mm and re-test.. and so on until tests are all clear. So cut out the minimum to be safe. I reached out to a dear naturopath friend who put me on to your Salvacare product. I applied it every morning (including on weeping areas in spite of instructions to not do so.. I wanted this thing GONE!) Three weeks later and just four days before scheduled surgery, my dermatologist had a look and said "you must have an incredible immune system because it is all gone.. no operation needed!"
In the year that followed I had two more of the same cancer cells appear on my arm. Unsure whether just a coincidence as I have mowed lawns in the sun for a business for 40 years, or had it gone internally then travelled, either way I was worried. So I applied the cream to the new cancers and same result.. gone within weeks. Ever since then I have bought your Salvacare pills and had one per day in the morning. I also apply the cream topically to my cheekbones and nose every morning, and wear a hat and long sleeves in summer to reduce my UV exposure. I am pleased to say that I am skin cancer free - and three other friends who I have followed my advice have had identical outcomes. Though not provable "scientifically" I am 100% sure that Salvacare is a natural wonder-cure and I will follow my daily protocol (above) for the rest of my days. Thank you Salvacare, may God richly bless you all! 🙏